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Review of Energy Consumers Australia


Energy Consumers Australia

The COAG Energy Council has released the terms of reference and other information about the three-yearly review of Energy Consumers Australia.The review will be conducted in two stages.

“The COAG Energy Council agreed to establish a national energy consumer advocacy body on 13 December 2013 based on the Proposal for a National Energy Consumer Advocacy Body. This report was developed by independent advisors in consultation with consumer groups and other stakeholders as part of the energy market reform package agreed by Energy Ministers in 2012.

Energy Consumers Australia (ECA) was established as a company limited by guarantee on 30 January 2015, and assumed the responsibilities of the former Consumer Advocacy Panel, which was closed on ECAs establishment.

The COAG Energy Council considered the establishment of a national energy consumer advocacy body was an important step towards increasing consumer advocacy on national energy market matters of strategic importance and material consequence for energy consumers, in particular, households and small business consumers.

The COAG Energy Council is conducting the first independent review of ECA after the first three years of its operations. The review will assess the effectiveness of the ECA in performing against its intended purpose including areas for improvements.

The Terms of Reference for the review is available on COAG Energy Council website.

Any questions can be directed to the COAG Energy Council via email energycouncil@environment.gov.au.



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