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Energy Consumers Australia logo

3 Year Plan

Our plan outlines the 7 targets that we believe Australia’s energy transition must achieve to realise its promise.

Read our 3 year plan

We want to see an energy system that is fair, affordable, reliable and meets the needs of everyone.

Our three year plan outlines the 7 targets that we believe Australia’s energy transition must achieve to realise its promise. It also lists the 36 objectives that we at Energy Consumers Australia will focus on over the next three years to help get there, through our research and grants program, and through our engagement, collaboration and capacity-building across the energy and consumer advocacy sectors.

Our 7 targets: what energy consumers require

Each of these must be true for a modern energy system operating in a just society:

Image with ECA's 7 targets: 1 Equity, 2 Value, 3 Agency, 4 Ownership, 5 Control, 6 Justice, 7 Representation

Image with details of ECA's 7 targets and objectives as part of the three year plan.

Does our plan excite you as much as it does us?

If you’re reading this as a decision-maker in the energy sector, we’ll be coming to you regularly armed not only with evidence of the problems for consumers, but with viable solutions to meet their needs.

If you’re reading this as a consumer or community organisation, or a business or industry representative, and you see yourself in what we’re calling for below, get in touch. We promise we’ll create a path for your voice in this conversation. We can’t achieve any of this alone – and by working collaboratively with you, and helping you advocate for the energy needs of your community, the more impact we can all have.

And if you’re reading this as a householder or a small business owner, we’re here to promote your interests. After all, you’re paying for the energy system and it should meet your needs. For helpful information on energy topics, such as how to reduce your energy use or how to get a better energy deal, head to our Consumer Advice section.