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Foresighting Forum 2025: Charging Forward

Our 2025 Foresighting Forum has concluded for another year! 

This year’s consumer-focused energy conference, held in February, explored how we can continue ⚡ Charging Forward ⚡ to create an energy system that is affordable, clean, and reliable; while reflecting the diverse needs, values, and expectations of all Australians. 

Together with people from right across the energy, community and consumer advocacy sectors, we discussed and debated how to achieve Energy Consumers Australia’s 7 targets that must be met for Australia’s energy system to truly work for everyone. 

Attendees came together from across the energy and consumer advocacy sectors, to build clear pathways forward, strengthen existing partnerships and form new collaborations, and – most importantly – hear directly from Australian households and small businesses. Download the event program (PDF, 2.12MB) to find out more about what was covered.

Here you’ll find information about the conference, program and resources, including session recordings and highlights!

Videos from the event

You’ll find some of the highlights from this year’s conference below. For recordings of all the sessions at this year’s event, head to our YouTube channel .

Event Highlights

Catch up on some of the highlights from Energy Consumers Australia’s 2025 Foresighting Forum.

Keynote Address and Fireside Chat: Prof. Shalanda Baker

Vice Provost for Sustainability and Climate Action at the University of Michigan, Shalanda Baker, delivered an address exploring the themes of energy justice and equity and how we can apply lessons learnt from the United States to Australia, followed by a fireside chat with Elissa Freeman.

Keynote Address: Dr Ahmad Faruqui

Economist-at-Large, Dr Ahmad Faruqui, delivered an address about Pricing Electricity to Facilitate the Energy Transition. This was followed by a fireside chat with Sally McMahon (AEMC ) and Energy Consumers Australia’s Brian Spak.

Access previous events

To access information about previous Foresighting Forums, including session recordings, you can head to the following pages on our website or YouTube channel:

Thank you to this year’s sponsors

We would like to extend a special thanks to the sponsors who have made this event possible:

  • RACE for 2030, our keynote address sponsor, who has helped facilitate the participation of our incredible international keynote speakers.
  • Transgrid and Endeavour Energy, our consumer advocate sponsor, who have helped a range of consumer and community advocates to attend and participate in the Forum.
  • Ausnet, for sponsoring our coffee cart, and ensuring that participants are well fuelled throughout the event.

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