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Regulator confirms course correction on NSW and ACT network costs

Energy Consumers Australia’s CEO, Rosemary Sinclair, said today’s decisions by the Australian Energy Regulator about revenues for electricity distribution networks in NSW and the ACT was an important development for households and small businesses.

“The decisions the Regulator has published today are significant because they confirm a course correction for electricity networks in NSW and the ACT, after a period where unsustainable revenues put real pressure on household and small business energy bills.

“The decisions today deliver households and small businesses lower and more stable prices than they would have had to bear without a new approach that put their interests at the forefront.

“It is critical that energy retailers and networks now work together to ensure that customers benefit from any savings in network costs in the form of lower bills: every dollar matters for consumers.

“In contrast to past determinations which were bitterly fought out between networks, the Regulator and consumer groups – often ending up in court – these decisions have been informed by more open and productive engagement about costs and services over the last two years, increasing trust and confidence in the decision.

“Building business strategy on a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences is core to The Energy Charter, of which Essential Energy, Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy are founding signatories.

Ms Sinclair said the decisions also created space for a bigger discussion about the future.

“To successfully transform the energy system – to smooth the way for new investment, to roll-out new technology and to develop innovative energy services – is a project that depends on the sector’s ability to take consumers with them on the journey.

Media contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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