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Media releases

Price increases needn’t mean high bills

The increase in electricity prices reported in the latest consumer price index figures mean consumers need to make sure they are on the best deal available.

“Every energy company has different deals for electricity and gas, which means you could be paying more than you need to,” Rosemary Sinclair, CEO of Energy Consumers Australia said today.

“You don’t have to change your energy company to get a better deal. For most people, you can save a lot of money just by asking your current company to put you on the best plan for you.”

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the single biggest increase in the September Quarter CPI released on Wednesday was electricity which rose 8.9%.

To help consumers get a better deal Energy Consumers Australia has established a special website powercall.org that guides consumers through the process of making sure they are on the best deal.

“Every consumer should make a PowerCall to make sure that rising prices don’t hurt the family budget any more than they need to,” Ms Sinclair said.

Instructions on how to make a PowerCall are here.

Media contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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