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Media releases

Preliminary Finkel Report a step in the right direction for energy consumers

Energy Consumers Australia today welcomed the release of Dr Alan Finkel’s preliminary report into the National Energy Market.


The Preliminary Report captures the challenges facing the National Energy Market in a clear, cogent, and forward looking way. Lynne Gallagher, Acting CEO, Energy Consumers Australia said.

The goal as we see it is to maintain security and reliability at least cost to consumers, with protections for vulnerable consumers built in, as we work towards achieving our Paris commitments.

Although its still early in the process, Dr Finkel is asking the questions that need to be answered to achieve this goal.

Ms Gallagher said it was encouraging to see the focus on affordability and expanding choice in energy services in the Preliminary Report.

Households and small businesses have been hit by big price rises in the last ten years and its critical that we do everything we can to keep a lid on costs through the transition to a cleaner economy.

Ms Gallagher said there was a huge amount of good will in the sector, pointing to the joint statement issued yesterday by Energy Networks Australia and the Australian Energy Council representing generators, retailers and networks to work together to deliver a reliable and affordable transformation through efficient, national measures.[1]

It is a sector that has an appetite for clear, consistent evidence-based policy and Dr Finkel and his panel are bringing a very pragmatic, can-do attitude to this critical task. Ms Gallagher said.

Energy Consumers Australia was established on 30 January 2015 to advocate on national energy market matters of strategic importance and material consequence for energy consumers, in particular household and small business consumers.

[1] See ENA-AEC Communique here.