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Media releases

Positive move by AGL to ensure consumers on the best deal

Energy Consumers Australia is heartened by a range of measures announced by AGL CEO and Managing Director Andy Vesey today to improve outcomes for low-income and vulnerable households.

Rosemary Sinclair, Energy Consumers Australia CEO, said the move by AGL to proactively reach out to low income and vulnerable consumers to ensure they are on a better offer was a positive development.

“Energy Consumers Australia is pleased to see AGL cutting through the complexity to deliver better value for low income and vulnerable consumers.” Ms Sinclair said.

“At a time where rising energy prices are putting pressure on households and small businesses, retailers have a responsibility to ensure consumers are not paying over the odds.” Ms Sinclair said.

Ms Sinclair said that industry needs to lead the way on the transformation of the energy market and with proactive measures that meet consumer needs.

“This AGL initiative is an example of the kind of common-sense, industry-led approaches needed to address affordability and the other big challenges such as systems security that are facing the energy market.” Ms Sinclair said.

Ms Sinclair said that Energy Consumers Australia was keen to work with retailers to build on new approaches like the one announced by AGL today.

“We need to work toward a market where consumers have the information and tools they need, where shopping around is easy, and they can be confident they’re getting value for money.”

“A priority issue for Energy Consumers Australia is working with the energy sector to find new ways to reduce the number of consumers who are disconnected from their energy supply.”

Media Contact: Marie Bout, 0405 399 164