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New industry energy tech code to protect households and business

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s decision to authorise a new industry code to protect consumers buying a range of new energy products, including batteries and solar will fill a major gap in the consumer protection landscape.

CEO of Energy Consumers Australia, Rosemary Sinclair AM, said the Code was particularly valuable in a rapidly changing energy sector.

“Until now energy specific consumer protections were limited to energy supplied in the traditional way by retailers through the poles and wires,” said Ms Sinclair.

“Many consumers have moved away from the traditional model and energy services need to be far more tailored to individuals making unique decisions about how to use power – and often generating power themselves.

“The New Energy Tech Consumer Code has been developed by industry and consumer organisations in the context of that new energy landscape, increasingly characterised by new technology.

“The Code will help households and businesses shop with confidence when they’re buying solar panels, batteries and a range of other energy technologies.

“It commits signatories to outcomes-based principles, including making sure consumers are informed about their rights throughout the process of buying, installing and running new energy devices.

“It’s critical that consumers are empowered with the information and support they need to make the best choice when they’re buying what can be complicated new energy tech.”

Ms Sinclair said that the Code was also an example of industry working together through a voluntary process to deliver better consumer outcomes in a proactive and principles-based way.

“This is industry getting on the front foot in a way that sets an example for others.”

Ms Sinclair thanked the other organisations who had developed the code, The Australian Energy Council, The Clean Energy Council and The Smart Energy Council.

“Securing consumer outcomes in a fast moving sector takes strong collaboration between all the different parts of the supply chain.”

Now that the important ACCC authorisation has been granted, the parties will finalise the implementation details, with a view to go-live as soon as practicable.

Media Contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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