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New Consumer Data Right will empower consumers in transforming markets

Energy Consumers Australia says the Australian Government’s announcement that consumers’ ownership of their data across the economy will be recognised in legislation was a milestone event.

The Hon. Angus Taylor MP, Assistant Minister for Cities and Data Transformation, announced the new Consumer Data Right, on 26 November 2017. The new right will be legislated and introduced on a sector by sector basis and follows the Productivity Commission Inquiry on Data Availability and Use.

Energy Consumers Australia CEO Rosemary Sinclair said consumers needed easy access to their energy use data to help them make choices in an energy market that is being transformed by technology and new business models.

“Giving households and small businesses easy access to their data will help them shop around, it will help them manage their energy use, and it will help them save money.

“Longer-term, the Consumer Data Right will help lay the groundwork for a more efficient, more dynamic energy market, where consumers are not just purchasing energy, but also a range of other ‘smart’ energy services.”

Ms Sinclair said the Australian Government’s announcement was a signal to energy providers to accelerate their efforts to make their customers’ data available to them, and work with them to translate the information into better outcomes.

“Electricity consumers already have the right to their meter data under the electricity market rules. The process for obtaining them is not, however, standardised nor is the data provided in an easy to use format.”

Energy Consumers Australia has been working with industry and consumer groups to develop a simple process whereby consumers can authorise third parties, such as the Government’s Energy Made Easy website, to access their meter data and identify the best offer based on their usage.

“There is a need to boost the resourcing for Energy Made Easy to streamline and simplify the experience for consumers and to integrate new data sources. Ms Sinclair said.

Media Contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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