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Foresighting Forum 2023: Energising Australians

The theme of Foresighting Forum 2023 was Energising Australians. The forum hosted in Sydney in February brought together consumer advocates, government and industry to discuss building a future energy system with consumers at the centre.

We are pleased to share the content of the forum’s keynote speeches and panel discussions

International Keynotes

Paul Jordan Recording

Paul Jordan Presentation:

Matt Finch Recording

Matt Finch Presentation

Paul de Martini Recording

Paul de Martini Presentation

Panel Discussions

Over the two-day event, our Foresighting Forum 2023 #energisingaustralians had four panel discussions that took our participants and guests on a journey to understand the current lived experiences of consumers, what a future system could look like if designed for consumers, how we can address the future problems of the energy system, and we ended each day with a consumer voices panel to hear their reflections on the day.

Consumers’ experiences in the current energy markets

Consumers’ expectations of Future Energy Markets

Consumer voices reflections (Day 1)

Working together: Integrating the energy system and people

The ‘model’ consumer? The value of designing for all consumers

Consumer voices reflections (Day 2)


A selection of photos from across the two days. Photos by MichaelBlyde.com. For photo requests, please contact Helen Dau.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Angela Maguire from The Gap Consultancy for her amazing support in organising this event, Phil Bourne for performing the videography and video editing, Michael Blyde for the photography, and to Rick Morton for MCing both days and moderating the Consumer Voices Panels.

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