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Media releases

Focus on residential air conditioning and heating will help lower energy use and bills

Energy Consumers Australia has welcomed the release of a new draft standard for residential climate control systems.

Standards Australia has released the new standard, Residential climate control systems – Minimum applications and requirements for energy efficiency, performance and comfort criteria, for public consultation.[1]

The initiative is the result of collaboration between Standards Australia and the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH), to improve the efficiency of residential heating and air-conditioning.[2]

Ms Sinclair said that at a time of rapidly rising bills, it’s crucial we do everything we can to help consumers manage their energy use.

‘We strongly support this initiative, which covers the design, installation and maintenance of residential heating, cooling and air conditioning systems and we encourage stakeholders to respond to the consultation.

“Air-conditioning and heating can account for a big part of the average bill, and if they’re not installed or maintained correctly, these costs can be higher than they need to be.[3]

“Consumers are telling us they want greater control over their energy services and costs and helping them get more out of their appliances is a critical part of doing just that.’ Ms Sinclair said.

‘While there has been a standard for commercial systems for some time, this is the first standard for residential systems.’

Ms Sinclair also welcomed the HVAC industry and Standards Australia coming together in a proactive, collaborative way to secure better outcomes for consumers.”

“This is a great example of industry getting on the front foot to respond to a clear community need, and take voluntary steps to update the regulatory framework.”

Energy Consumers Australia is currently examining other opportunities to improve household energy efficiency through the Power Shift project.

[1] Standards Australia: Drafts Open for Public Comment.

[2] AIRAH Press Release: Improving the energy efficiency of residential climate control systems.

[3] In New South Wales for example, heating and cooling accounts for 16% of the typical household’s total energy consumption. (See page 13.)

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