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Media releases

Energy Consumers Australia welcomes significant leap forward on energy

Energy Consumers Australia today welcomed the Federal Government announcement it would progress the recommendations of the Finkel Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Energy Market (Finkel Review) to the COAG Energy Council.

Energy Consumers Australia CEO Rosemary Sinclair said the Finkel Panel had developed a framework to address the affordability, system security and emissions reduction challenges we are facing in an orderly, measured and coordinated way.

“The Federal Government has acted swiftly to move this plan forward and consumers will be very supportive of that action,” Ms Sinclair said.

“The Finkel Report showed with the right settings, we can keep the power on, ensure energy is affordable for households and small businesses and reduce emissions.

“We’re pleased to see the Government putting downward pressure on network prices, looking very seriously at retail prices through the ACCC review and taking steps to increase gas supply for the domestic market.

“We now need to work together as a broad energy sector in the long-term interests of consumers.”

Ms Sinclair said consumers had made it clear they want a reliable supply of electricity at the lowest possible cost.

“This Blueprint will help ensure that consumers can make the most of the new opportunities that are emerging in the market, but also ensure that energy remains reliable and affordable for everyone.

“I congratulate Minister Frydenberg and the Prime Minister on moving decisively and look forward to a collaborative approach to implementation.”

Media Contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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