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Energy Consumers Australia welcomes PM action on energy costs

Energy Consumers Australia today welcomed reports that the Prime Minister would meet with CEO’s of energy retailers to discuss how they can address high electricity costs and poor outcomes for households and small businesses.

CEO Rosemary Sinclair said it was critical that retailers take proactive steps to help consumers manage their electricity bills at a time when many are facing double digit increases in prices.

”The Prime Minister’s intervention sends a strong message about the need for strong, practical and immediate action by retailers to cushion the impact of higher prices.

”We are looking for retailers to take steps to ensure customers are on the best deal for them, and to help them manage their consumption and costs.”

Ms Sinclair also said that bringing retailers together provided an opportunity to discuss a deeper set of issues about the structure and performance of the market.

”There is an opportunity for retailers to start to address long-standing concerns about the outcomes for consumers from this market ahead of findings of the Australian Competition and Consumer’s review of electricity prices.”

Ms Sinclair said recent research carried out by Energy Consumers Australia showed that while consumers see competition in the retail sector as a good thing, they are not convinced they are getting the benefits they should be getting.

”Consumers are telling us that they are not seeing good value for money for energy at the moment and they have little faith in the market, as is, providing better outcomes in the future,” Ms Sinclair said.

”Households and small businesses across Australia rank electricity behind banking, mobile phone and internet services on value for money.

”We look forward to the outcome of the Prime Minister’s meeting with retailers and Rod Sims Preliminary Report in September 2017.

”It is critical that retailers do everything they can to help consumers manage their bills and stay connected to their electricity services.”

Rosemary Sinclair is available for interview.

Media contact: Tim O’Halloran, 0409 059 617

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