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Energy Consumers Australia statement on COVID-19


Energy Consumers Australia

Australians are grappling with an extraordinary set of challenges at the moment ranging from the health impact of Covid-19 to the economic impacts. At this time, the energy sector must do everything in its power to take economic pressure off the whole community.

In the next few months, this will mean making sure we are doing everything we can to ensure that households and small businesses get the essential electricity and gas services they need. 

Like everyone in the community confronting the challenge of Covid-19, we have been changing the way we work to protect the health and welfare of our people, and colleagues in the energy sector.

We will ensure the important work of engagement goes on by using telephone or video conference. And while we have deferred stakeholder events, including the Board Stakeholder Forum scheduled in Canberra this week, we are also exploring new ways to convene, including via webinar.

Our people are on deck and available via the usual contact details including our office line 02 9220 5500 or email at info@energyconsumersaustralia.com.au. If you are a consumer and would like to highlight an issue or have a story to share, please drop us a line on our website or on Facebook.

We would like to acknowledge the people in the energy sector and across the community working under pressure at a time of great uncertainty to deliver essential energy and support services.  

We saw incredible dedication, resilience and community-mindedness during the bushfires and continuing to look out for each other, and work together, will help us come out stronger after another difficult period.    

We are committed and focussed on making a difference for Australian household and small business energy consumers by working with the sector to achieve that goal. 

Media Contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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