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Energy Consumers Australia Foresighting Forum 2018

Energy Consumers Australia is holding its flagship annual Foresighting Forum on 28 February and 1 March 2018 at the Aerial Function Centre at the University of Technology Sydney.

The Foresighting Forum is a unique gathering of people from across the energy sector to chart a positive future for the energy system and the households and small businesses it serves.

The theme of the 2018 Foresighting Forum is Take charge: shifting power to consumers in the using, making and trading of energy.

Day One will start at the grass-roots level, unpacking the challenges and preferences of consumers, and moving on to explore the role that energy efficiency and energy management technology can play in successfully meeting consumer needs.

Day Two will look at system security and reliability challenges, but also the opportunities these bring for consumers, including the potential for selling and trading energy.

New insights from Energy Consumers Australias Power Shift project are informing the design of a new generation of energy management tools and techniques and will be a key input for the discussions over the two days.

Energy Consumers Australia CEO Rosemary Sinclair noted the extraordinary circumstances that formed the backdrop for the 2018 Foresighting Forum.

The reality of transforming a system of such vital national importance has hit home in the last twelve months, with electricity and gas prices surging to levels that we could not have contemplated even a few years ago, Ms Sinclair said.

The Foresighting Forum is a gathering of the best consumer and energy minds in Australia to identify the things we can do to right now to make energy more affordable and dependable for consumers, and to think about the longer-term.

Consumers are calling out for more affordable, individualised energy services and the big question for the Foresighting Forum is how we work together to reshape and optimise the energy system to give it to them.

Tickets for Foresighting Forum 2018 are available here.

Foresighting Forum 2018

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