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Energy Consumers Australia appoints new Reference Committee

The Energy Consumers Australia Board today announced the appointment of the members of the 2019/21 Reference Committee.

The Committee is an important part of our approach, providing the Board with advice on current and emerging consumer energy issues across the national energy market.

The members of the Reference Committee will be:

  • Craig Memery (NSW)
  • Dale Holliss (QLD)
  • Fiona Simon (VIC)
  • Gerard Brody (VIC)
  • Justine Jarvinen (NSW)
  • Robert Mallett (TAS)
  • Ross Womersley (SA)
  • Sebastian Klein (VIC)
  • Susan Helyar (ACT)

A large number of applications were received from well-qualified and experienced candidates across the country. In reaching its decision on appointments, the Board endeavored to include a diversity of experience balanced with jurisdictional representation.

In a new initiative, a jurisdictional Energy Ombudsman will also attend as an observer of the Reference Committee meeting on a rotational basis.

The Board thanks the outgoing Committee for all their hard work, commitment and insight on issues affecting energy consumers nationally and in their jurisdictions. The Board has appreciated their valuable knowledge and experience in our continuing work for the long-term interests of energy consumers.

Go to our People page for Reference Committee Bios.

Media Contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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