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Media releases

ECA Energy Foresighting Forum

Energy Consumers Australia will be hosting its first annual energy sector Foresighting Forum on 25-26 February 2016 in Sydney. The Forum will facilitate cross-sector planning and sequencing of work in order to promote the long term interests of consumers by effective consumer input to market participants and sectoral processes and policies.

ECA will present a Research Stocktake and Strategic Objective Overview to highlight ECA Board priorities and strategic issues.

Key energy governance bodies will give short presentations on the major pieces of work they have coming up to the end of 2016/17. They will be asked to highlight projects for which they will be seeking input from industry and consumer representatives, as well as the approximate timing of that input.

Following the presentations, Forum attendees will work in groups to identify, from the matters presented, the two to three most important issues where a joint approach across advocacy groups will most benefit the long term interests of consumers.

All market players will be invited to attend the Forum. This includes traditional and non-traditional energy providers, Ombudsmen, small business representatives, consumer advocates, government agencies as well as farming and irrigation representatives.

The Forum will be held at Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh (www.atp.com.au). The Forum will start at 2:00pm on 25 February, with lunch from 1:00, and close at 3:00pm on Friday 26 February.