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COAG Energy Council progresses work on National Energy Guarantee

Energy Consumers Australia CEO Rosemary Sinclair today welcomed the outcome from productive discussions at the COAG Energy Council meeting in Hobart on energy affordability and the National Energy Guarantee.

Ms Sinclair said the Energy Council’s decision to progress design work and consult on the National Guarantee, put forward by the Energy Security Board (ESB), was a welcome development.

“Consumers have been telling us they want to see governments and industry focused on making their power more affordable and still reliable while lowering emissions,” Ms Sinclair said.

“The outcome from today’s COAG Energy Council meeting helps achieve that by moving forward in a productive way on the National Energy Guarantee.”

Ms Sinclair said ongoing cooperation was needed between governments and from across the energy sector to develop a framework that provides more affordable and reliable power for consumers, while lowering emissions at least cost.

“This is a good outcome today. From here we need a strong, open and collaborative effort to build a framework that can deliver investment certainty, bring down prices and help rebuild the community’s trust and confidence in the sector.

“I am heartened that we now have a process and that all jurisdictions will be involved in the detailed design work that will now be progressed.

“We look forward to working with the ESB, governments, energy businesses and consumer groups on the detailed design of the National Energy Guarantee, to deliver the right outcomes for consumers.”

Media Contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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