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Commitment to a way forward with National Energy Guarantee

Energy Consumers Australia CEO Rosemary Sinclair said there was a commitment by Ministers at today’s COAG Energy Council meeting to continue work on the NEG, using the market to integrate emissions and energy policy for the first time in Australia.

She said all ministers recognised the need to tackle high power prices.

“Consumers want this matter settled soon in way that helps bring power prices back down to more normal levels,” Ms Sinclair said.

“The National Energy Guarantee is flexible enough to reflect regional differences between the states and territories, but we do need a clear national policy to provide certainty in the wholesale market.

“We’re urging all politicians to focus on this narrow window of opportunity to get much better outcomes for consumers as quickly as possible – lower prices and more an orderly transition to a lower emissions energy system.”

She said the key value of the National Energy Guarantee was that it brings energy and emissions policy together for the first time, relying on markets to deliver the lowest price outcomes that consumers are demanding.

“We’ve seen prices increase by up to 30% in some regions over the past two years and for prices to return to more normal levels we need to sort out issues in the wholesale market.

“Consumers are telling us they want price relief so that they can live comfortably and manage their businesses competitively, without having to worry about their electricity bill.”

Media contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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