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Tasmanian consideration of metering contestability


Energy Consumers Australia

Energy Consumers Australia (ECA) thanks the Department of State Growth (DSG) for the opportunity to provide a submission on the Tasmanian Government’s consideration of new rules on advanced electricity metering contestability. This submission is made in addition to (and is consistent with) comments made by ECA in the forum held in Hobart on 29 April 2016.

ECA’s overriding concern is the promotion of the long term interests of Tasmanian small business and residential consumers by those consumers having access to a vibrant market for new energy services. The intention of the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) in making rules to allow competitive provision of advanced metering is to give consumers greater access to those new services. Services such as real time consumption data, aggregated demand response and remote control of appliances are all supported by advanced meters. ECA hopes that Tasmanian consumers will be able to access these benefits in
a timely manner.

The original copy of the full letter submission can be read here.