Submissions | February 17, 2023
Submission to the AEMC regarding the review of the regulatory framework for metering services
We make 5 key recommendations to the AEMC in our submission:
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Submissions | February 17, 2023
We make 5 key recommendations to the AEMC in our submission:
Continue readingSubmissions | February 13, 2023
Empowering consumers to take control of their energy use requires effort and commitment, which is the opportunity provided by the National Energy Performance Strategy.
Continue readingSubmissions | February 8, 2023
There is a broader need to ensure that the energy policy framework delivers social as well as economic and environmental outcomes, particularly through the energy transition.
Continue readingSubmissions | January 19, 2023
It is essential that the Program and the AER class waiver enable other potential actors to enter the market, contribute to removing existing barriers to broader uptake, and promote innovation and competition in the sector
Continue readingSubmissions | January 10, 2023
It is essential that the Program and the AER class waiver enable other potential actors to enter the market, contribute to removing existing barriers to broader uptake, and promote innovation and competition in the sector
Continue readingSubmissions | December 22, 2022
Energy Consumers Australia welcomes the Community Batteries for Household Solar Program as a key opportunity for the government to…
Continue readingSubmissions | December 22, 2022
This reform is crucial to ensuring the market is designed in a way that aligns with the Integrated System Plan and that the market appropriately signals the right combination of new renewable energy generation, new storage and firming resources, and new transmission.
Continue readingSubmissions | December 21, 2022
We are pleased to see the proposed three models in the review paper aim to address this change, and at times propose ambitious steps away from the status quo to consider consumer protections in a new light
Continue readingSubmissions | December 15, 2022
As the dispatchable storage market is in its early stages of development with several technical, commercial, social and regulatory barriers to overcome, it makes sense to consider how network service providers (NSPs) can play a valuable role to help further develop this niche.
Continue readingSubmissions | December 9, 2022
Energy Consumers Australia recommends that the AER ensures that distribution network service providers (DNSPs) approach to the roll-out of flexible exports is transparent and communicated in a clear and understandable manner to both industry (including solar retailers and installers) and consumers.
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