Featured publication Submissions | March 18, 2022
Submission on the AER Draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy
This strategy has the potential to play a critical role in addressing the impact of energy costs on people’s lives.
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Featured publication Submissions | March 18, 2022
This strategy has the potential to play a critical role in addressing the impact of energy costs on people’s lives.
Continue readingFeatured publication Submissions | March 17, 2022
Energy Consumers Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) on its Draft Determination for the Default Market Offer Prices 2022-23. We commend the AER’s […]
Continue readingFeatured publication Hero publication Submissions | March 15, 2022
We propose that the NSW Government initiate a contracted, widespread roll-out of smart meters
Continue readingFeatured publication Hero publication Submissions | March 10, 2022
The transition to decarbonisation involves people, not just as consumers but as producers and storers of energy.
Continue readingFeatured publication Hero publication Submissions | March 8, 2022
We believe that in principle, export tariffs should be rare, observable, and effective:
Continue readingFeatured publication Hero publication Submissions | March 8, 2022
We welcome this rule change to address how the National Energy Retail Rules can provide protections and support for affected customers.
Continue readingFeatured publication Hero publication Submissions | March 8, 2022
Choice and flexibility, enabled by interoperability, are critical in ensuring consumers’ expectations of an affordable, accessible, and sustainable system are reflected in the energy transition.
Continue readingFeatured publication Hero publication Submissions | February 28, 2022
In our view, accelerating the completion of a national smart meter roll out is now urgent.
Continue readingFeatured publication Hero publication Submissions | February 18, 2022
Integrating these “consumer energy resources” must be done in the context of consumer and society outcomes and social licence.
Continue readingFeatured publication Hero publication Submissions | February 16, 2022
We have several concerns with the direction of the Draft ISP, which we detail in this submission.
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