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Submission to the South Australian consultations on smarter homes

Consumers have told us that a better energy future is affordable, simple, easy to manage, clean and inclusive. Consumers want to have a say but do not have the information or platform to do so. This highlights the need for consumers to be partners in designing the future energy system.

The consultation papers propose changes to technical standards of household solar and smart meter technology, and prescribed network tariffs for consumers on standing offers in order to address “minimum demand” on the South Australian distribution network. This happens when the energy generated from the growing penetration, and use, of household solar systems is greater than demand, which is causing stress on an energy system that was designed for one-way flow of electricity from large generation sources.

We support the initiatives that address the “now” problem, such as making sure the technology available to consumers can ride-through the voltage disturbances. We also support the proposed tariff changes, and note that further impact analysis is critical to identifying any impacted vulnerable consumers and designing assistance measures to support this cohort.

We believe there are further opportunities to partner with consumers and industry on the “future proofing” measures. Read our cover letter here and our detailed submission here.

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