We welcome the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Regulator (AER)’s Better Resets Handbook. We support the Handbook’s aim to incentivise networks to develop high quality proposals that are driven by genuine engagement with consumers.
In recent years there have been significant improvements in the level of consumer engagement by energy network businesses. We commend the work undertaken by the AER, Energy Networks Australia (ENA), and the networks themselves in increasing this level of engagement, resulting in important insights evident through the ENA / ECA Consumer Engagement Award and the NewReg initiative. The learnings from this hard work can be shared across the industry to build on what is considered best practice.
The coming years represent a period of rapid transition in the energy sector. Consumers who wish to do so, are becoming more actively involved in the energy market through their distributed energy resource investments, resulting in new needs and expectations. We support the Handbook as a significant step for an improved regulatory process, designed to deliver outcomes consumers value.
Read our full submission here for further feedback on the guidelines.