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Welcome progress in helping consumers control their energy use and bills

Energy Consumers Australia today welcomed progress by governments to support householders and small business owners with rising energy costs.

Energy and Climate Change Ministers, who met in Mparntwe (Alice Springs) in the Northern Territory, acknowledged that energy affordability is a priority and that recent measures under the Energy Price Relief Plan are putting downward pressure on energy bills.

Energy Consumers Australia Interim Chief Executive Officer Jacqueline Crawshaw said the Commonwealth’s Energy Bill Relief Fund was an important initiative that would provide assistance to consumers at a time when they need it most.

“The Energy Bill Relief Fund package will be provided to eligible households, including those on income support or pensions, and to small businesses as many have come under increasing financial pressure due to the rising cost of living,” Ms Crawshaw said.

“Ministers have also recognised the complementary measures in the Commonwealth budget under the Energy Savings Package, which will help households and small businesses to improve their energy efficiency.

“Further, the National Energy Performance Strategy will embed consumers and the demand-side into government decision making and accelerate improved energy performance. This is a significant opportunity for all levels of government to help Australian households and small businesses to better manage their energy use.”

“Energy Consumers Australia considers that energy efficiency and demand flexibility can help ensure the future system is least-cost and complements actions to bring down supply-side costs and maintain system reliability as Australia transitions to a net-zero energy future.

“Work to accelerate connection of renewable energy projects, bringing forward hydrogen supply and the imminent introduction of the mandatory gas code of conduct is an important part of the picture, putting downward pressure on wholesale prices.”

Ms Crawshaw also welcomed Ministers’ focus on better outcomes for First Nations communities through the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy.

“These communities face unique and complex challenges when it comes to having access to affordable and reliable energy,” she said.

“People living in energy inefficient housing and in climate zones facing extreme heat worsened by climate change are paying disproportionately high energy bills, and suffering energy insecurity.”

The communique from the May 19 Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council meeting is available here.

About Energy Consumers Australia 

Energy Consumers Australia is the independent, national voice for residential and small business energy consumers. We enable residential and small business energy consumers to have their voices heard.

Media contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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