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Social Licence for Control of DER: Webinar overview and resources

We commissioned CutlerMerz to develop a framework that can help decision-makers create and maintain a social licence and, in doing so, improve consumer acceptance of DER integration policies and programs. The intended outcome is to unlock value for DER owners and deliver an energy system that is trusted by the community as a whole. Read the full CutlerMerz report here.

We please ask that comments and invitations to engage on this topic are emailed to digital@energyconsumersaustralia.com.au.

Today’s webinar brought together Australian energy experts to discuss the CutlerMerz report. Social Licence for Control of Distributed Energy Resources explores how Government and industry must engage with households and businesses to build the trust needed to manage privately-owned DER in a way that delivers a win-win energy system for everyone.

The webinar recording available above is hosted by Energy Consumers Australia’s Director of Strategic Reform, Chris Alexander and features the below panelists;

  • Melanie Koerner, CutlerMerz
  • Violette Mouchaileh, AEMO
  • Jo Witters, Energy Security Board
  • Vince Duffy, Government of South Australia
  • Lynne Gallagher, Energy Consumers Australia

Given the very lively chat debate that occurred during the webinar, we are very enthusiastic about developing the thinking on this topic further as it is key to meeting consumers’ needs and expectations through a modern, flexible and resilient energy system.

The full CutlerMerz report and webinar presentation slides are available below.

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