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New Chair for Energy Consumers Australia

Dr Michael Schaper has been announced as the new Chair of Energy Consumers Australia, the independent, national voice for residential and small business energy consumers.

He was confirmed in the role by the South Australian Minister for Energy and Mining, The Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP, in his role as the sole ‘member’ of Energy Consumers Australia, on behalf of federal, state and territory energy ministers.

Dr Schaper was previously Deputy Chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Small Business Commissioner for the Australian Capital Territory. He will replace Ms Louise Sylvan AM, Energy Consumers Australia’s inaugural Chair, who has served in the role for the last nine years.

“I’m looking forward to working with Michael to represent the interests of all household and small business energy consumers’ in Australia,” said Dr Brendan French, CEO of Energy Consumers Australia.

“Michael has extensive leadership and governance experience in regulatory issues, consumer protection, small business representation and public policy, and this breadth of experience will be a great asset to consumers at this critical stage of the energy transition.

“I would also like to pay tribute to Louise Sylvan, who has been with Energy Consumers Australia from the start and whose dedication and vision for the organisation has seen it go from strength to strength.”

“I wish Michael all the best in his role as Chair of ECA,” said Energy Consumers Australia’s outgoing Chair, Ms Louise Sylvan.

“He will represent household and small business energy consumers with tenacity. I’m looking forward to seeing the organisation continue to do great work in this next stage.”

Dr Schaper will commence as the new Chair of Energy Consumers Australia on 1 February 2024. Energy Consumers Australia represents the country’s 11 million household and 2.5 million small business energy consumers.

Media contact: Rebecca Urban, The Shape Agency: 0409 059 617

About Energy Consumers Australia

Energy Consumers Australia is the independent, national voice for residential and small business energy consumers. We enable residential and small business energy consumers to have their voices heard. Find out more about Energy Consumers Australia.

More about Dr Michael Schaper PhD, FAICD

As well as being the new Chair of Energy Consumers Australia, Michael is Chair of the federal government’s Shadow Economy Advisory Forum, and the Energy & Water Ombudsman of WA, as well as a member of the national board of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is also a member of the board of the Small Business Development Corporation of WA and the University of Canberra Council.

Michael was previously Deputy Chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the ACT Small Business Commissioner. He is an Adjunct Professor at Curtin University, and a member of the Zero Emissions Enterprise Network based at Oxford University.

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