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Lynne Gallagher confirmed as Energy Consumers Australia CEO

The Board of Energy Consumers Australia is pleased to announce the appointment of Interim CEO Lynne Gallagher to the position of CEO.

Lynne Gallagher, who has served as interim CEO since March, will officially be appointed as permanent CEO from 1 January 2021. She comes to the role after four years as Director of Research, in addition to her Interim CEO role over the past nine months.

She brings over 30 years of senior executive and leadership experience to the role, across the energy, financial and public sectors. Energy Consumers Australia Chair Louise Sylvan said the Board were very pleased to announce Lynne’s permanent appointment to the role of CEO.

“Lynne provides strong insights and an evidence-based, strategic focus to our consumer advocacy and that is exactly what we need at this pivotal point in the energy transition,” Ms Sylvan said.

“Lynne took the reigns at one of the most challenging points possible – just as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in Australia – and she has led the team with great skill and poise.

“The Board congratulates Lynne on her appointment – we look forward to seeing the impact she can continue to have in the role on behalf of energy consumers.”

Ms Gallagher said she was pleased to be officially appointed to the role and looked forward to continuing to work on behalf of all energy consumers on the critical challenges and opportunities ahead.

“There couldn’t be a more important time to have strong, evidence-based consumer advocacy in the energy sector and that can only happen with a joined-up effort across the sector.

“I intend to play a highly collegiate role with other advocates – and all stakeholders – bringing to the decision-making table our collective evidence about the experience of energy consumers and the most effective way to engage them in the transition ahead.

“I’d like to sincerely thank the Board for their confidence, as well as the staff at Energy Consumers Australia who have continued to bring their hard work, skill and professionalism to the job throughout this challenging period. I look forward to tackling 2021 together.”

Media Contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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