The first of our Foresighting Forum webinars, Social Practice and Consumer Behaviour, took place today. Over 250 energy sector leaders and decision makers signed up to engage with our panelists from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Monash University’s Emerging Technologies Research Lab.
A huge thank you to our panelists for their informative presentations and the fantastic group discussion complimented by rich input from attendees in the Q&A tab. As a result we have gathered some key insights into gaps that exist in forecasting likely consumer trends and behaviours for the energy transition.
Webinar one highlights

We will add commentary to our website in the coming days to share those findings with you all. Should you wish to give your input, please email us here.
View the presentation slides here.
Make sure that you also secure your place now for our second and third Foresighting Forum webinars:
System Resilience: August 12, 2021
Attendees will be exposed to a discussion around the importance of moving beyond emergency response and recovery after extreme weather events (bushfires, floods and storms) based on hardening infrastructure and towards a model of resilience that is more about resilient communities and resilient people. How can system participants provide tools, support and engagement that positions them well to deliver better experiences during times of unfolding crisis, knowing that these extreme weather events are likely to play an increasing role going forward? When and how can this be integrated into the plan for the future energy system?
System Design: September 7, 2021
This webinar will be the start of a much-needed conversation. How can we push the limits of our current system to allow more radical foresighting? How can we create processes, forums and even new actors who can see the whole of the necessary change and catalyse others in that direction? How can we work across jurisdictions, organisations, roles and responsibilities to think more ambitiously — changing our ideas about what is possible and breaking the shackles of convention to deliver something better?