The work undertaken by advocates and other organisations through the Grants Program is having influence, improving outcomes for energy consumers. Great Grants showcase important work that has built new evidence or demonstrated impact.
The Tariff Assessment Tool – an expanded open source tool for network and retail tariffs has been selected as one of our Great Grants.
This research project by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) aimed to develop tools and stakeholder engagement in order to build knowledge and capacity for effective evidence-based advocacy around network tariff design and regulation.
The tool that was built provides a relatively easy way for advocates to assess the impact on different groups of consumers of options for network tariffs, including how tariffs may be reflected in retail prices. Developed in two phases, the tool has proven to be a key piece of infrastructure that is supporting strong, well-informed advocacy and is already being used successfully by advocates and network businesses.
Reports and papers from phase one are available here. Reports from phase two can be seen here.
The open source tool is available here.
Dr Iain MacGill was invited to speak to the below presentation at a meeting of the ECA Board of Directors in August 2020. See the slides here.

Video: Interview with Associate Professor Iain MacGill about the Tariff Assessment Tool and how it is being used by the sector