Energy Consumers Australia welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Federal Government’s exposure draft legislation to introduce the Small Business Energy Incentive to help small and medium businesses electrify and save on their energy bills.
We supported the 2023-24 budget announcement as a positive step to encourage small businesses to install energy efficient products in their business. However, we recommend some critical changes to the Incentive to maximise take up from the small business community, including:
- extending the program timeline to at least 30 June 2025;
- ensuring small businesses have access to the right advice from trusted pathways;
- clear communication with small businesses and clarity around the terms ‘reasonable improvement’ and ‘energy efficiency’;
- aligning the Incentive with other small business energy efficiency schemes; and
- including future incentives as part of a long-term plan to ensure small business needs are met in the transition.
Read the full submission here.