Thank you for providing an opportunity to share our perspectives on the most recent Directions Paper. We have contracted Finncorn Consulting to provide detailed comments on our behalf, and you should consider their comments to be expert evidence in support of our submission.
As you know, Energy Consumers Australia is the national voice of residential and small-business energy consumers. We regularly ask consumers about their expectations, values, and needs, and when we ask them about what their priority is in the energy transition, they consistently rank affordability higher than any other issue. In our most recent survey in December, affordability was three times more likely to be identified as the top priority relative to the second choice (a rapid transition to renewable energy).
This focus on affordability is the primary reason why we remain focused on Transmission Access Reform. This reform is crucial to ensuring the market is designed in a way that aligns with the Integrated System Plan and that the market appropriately signals the right combination of new renewable energy generation, new storage and firming resources, and new transmission. If we design the market incorrectly, we will get more transmission, renewables, and storage than are required, and consumers will pay more. We will take longer to achieve our greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments than anticipated, and we will further erode consumer trust and confidence in the market.
Read our full submission here