We appreciate the opportunity to provide a submission on the Energy Security Board’s (ESB) consultation paper Interoperability Policy (the Consultation Paper). Our overarching belief is that interoperability is an essential part of the transition towards a decentralised, low emissions, renewable energy system. Interoperability matters for consumers and community outcomes and is not something that can be determined solely by “technologists”.
Developing capabilities that allow consumer energy resources, such as rooftop solar or electric vehicles, to be orchestrated will be essential in integrating these technologies into the current energy system. This integration must be done with a focus on consumer outcomes and ensuring social licence, which includes addressing the coordination and communication of behind the meter (BTM) resources as well as the implementation of inverter interoperability standards. These resources are first and foremost consumer owned investments, not system resources. Therefore, understanding and acting upon consumer motivations and expectations towards their energy resources will be essential to the successful integration and development of current and future interoperability policy.
Choice and flexibility, enabled by interoperability, are critical in ensuring consumers’ expectations of an affordable, accessible, and sustainable system are reflected in the energy transition.
Read our specific comments on the consultation paper in our submission here.