We applaud the Victorian government for taking the initiative to open a consultation on the technically challenging, but overwhelmingly important topic of voltage management in distribution networks.
Consumer energy resources – rooftop solar, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, and sources of flexibility, including electric water heaters and batteries – are both potential drivers of and solutions to voltage management problems within Australia’s distribution networks. Voltage management provides a key opportunity for consumer energy resources and other non-network approaches to help provide low-cost solutions to network challenges.
For such non-network solutions to compete fairly with traditional network approaches requires that third-party providers have access to the same data and information that network companies have on voltage within the distribution system. Furthermore, work is needed at the national level to define and develop industry standards for the provision of voltage management services. With these standards in hand, it will reduce transaction costs for third party service providers to enter the market and develop a range of potential service offerings and solutions, reducing industry costs.
Energy Consumers Australia solicited an independent review of Victoria’s Consultation from Energeia. You can read it and our cover letter here. here or by clicking the image below