We appreciate the opportunity to respond to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) consultation on its Draft Decision for South Australia Power Networks (SAPN); and SAPN’s revised revenue proposal for 2020-25.
We engaged Dynamic Analysis to undertake a technical review of SAPN’s initial and revised proposals, the report provided can be viewed here. This assessment has raised areas where further substantiation would be required before an unconditional view of capable-of-acceptance could be reached.
The revised proposal indicates SAPN’s willingness to change approach on some matters in the face of regulator and stakeholder views. Consumers need to be assured that SAPN is thinking about its repex challenge in a way that joins up the thinking about the future of energy services in South Australia, how consumers want to engage with their energy services, and the mutual benefits and opportunities that new technology and new approaches could provide.
The full submission can be read here.