We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Review of the Regulatory Framework for Metering Services Consultation Paper.
Distributed energy resources (DER) are playing an increasingly significant role in the energy system. Smart integration of DER through flexibility in demand and generation will be key to delivering a more affordable energy system and we see smart meters as core enablers of this future. By interacting with the grid through a smart meter, consumers can unlock the full benefit of their investment in DER technology.
In our view, intermediaries, including retailers, need to adopt new business models that are built on offering services that empower consumers to conveniently, and with low risk, manage their energy use, generation and storage.
We encourage the AEMC to consider the necessary reforms to the smart meter framework which should have as its purpose supporting innovation and delivering benefits to consumers of participating in the future energy services market.
Read our full submission here.