In 2019 Energy Consumers Australia and Forethought came together to explore the lives and needs of consumers, households and small businesses in relation to energy; specifically how energy fits into their lives now, what the future of energy should look like and what Australians want from the sector.
This was done through two separate Future Energy Vision Consumer Expectations Research studies, the first specific to households and the second for small to medium businesses. In order to achieve a holistic understanding, a breadth of households and businesses were spoken to across Australia through a variety of mediums including face to face interviews and focus groups.
Findings were very interesting to say the least; overall, consumers were not very pleased with how stakeholders were managing the sector and had a lot to say about ‘what better could look like’, while businesses believed a focused and shared vision, with everyone working towards a cheaper, more reliable and renewable energy was the future.
These findings were captured in the reports below and were brought to Energy Consumer Australia’s Foresighting Forum in February 2020. Together with Forethought we presented them to attendees supported by an interactive session to engage them with the research and together, ideate for a better energy future anchored to what households and SME’s wanted.
The presentation in the third image below showcases the ideation process facilitated in the interactive session and the ideas that were developed.

Below is a playlist of videos where Dr Jelena Dodic from Forethought discusses the findings.