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Energy Consumers Australia welcomes South Australian energy plan

The new South Australian energy plan, announced today by the Premier will help to restore security of supply in South Australia and consumer confidence in the energy market Energy Consumers Australia said today.

“Consumers have had to contend with a series of costly and disruptive power outages this summer and the South Australian energy plan promises to deliver greater security and better outcomes on prices for consumers.

“The new emergency powers, together with the potential delivery of extra generation capacity give South Australia greater certainty that the energy needs of businesses and households can be met”.

Ms Sinclair said that the plan announced by the Premier today should also serve as a stepping stone to the longer-term, bipartisan, national energy and emissions framework that is needed to deliver the right outcomes for consumers as we transition to a cleaner economy.

“South Australia’s energy plan has been framed in such a way that it can readily integrate with the national energy market blueprint being developed by Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel to deliver ”NEM 2.0”’

Ms Sinclair said that the starting point for designing NEM 2.0 must be with consumer’s experiences and expectations.

“Electricity prices have more than doubled in recent years and this has left consumers in South Australia and across the country with real questions about whether they’re receiving value for money.”

“Consumers are telling us that they value cost and control, which is why they are investing their own resources in solar and battery storage technologies”.

Ms Sinclair said that policy makers needed to work towards a national energy system that is secure and reliable, that balances a fleet of lowest cost, low emissions generation technologies with large-scale storage and local loads supported by dynamic “smart control”.

“It also means a market that allows consumers to participate in new energy services and unlocks the benefits of the sharing economy, harnessing smart technology and better information and tools.”

“It is critical that we take everyone with us as we transition – this means ensuring the consumer protection framework keeps us with the changing market and we have a safety net that works.”

Media Contact

Marie Bout 0405 399 164