The Consumer Engagement Award – a joint venture between Energy Consumers Australia and Energy Networks Australia (ENA) — recognises an Australian energy network business that is demonstrating outstanding leadership in consumer engagement.
In this, its sixth year, the impact the award has had on network engagement is clear to see. This year’s nominees each demonstrate the increased commitment and maturity of approach that energy network businesses have developed for engagement with their customers and communities.
The judges were extremely pleased to see all of those nominated have pushed their organisations, and the energy network industry more broadly, to engage meaningfully with customers and use that information to deliver outcomes that consumers really want.
Seven entries of extremely high standard were received this year. Nominating companies included AusNet Services, Australian Gas Networks, MultiNet Gas Networks, Endeavour Energy, Ergon Energy Networks, Essential Energy, TasNetworks and Western Power.
This year’s winning entry was a joint submission from AGN, AusNet Services and MGN – Three Businesses, One Engagement Program for Victorians. The three companies came together to design and deliver a single, integrated, statewide consumer and stakeholder engagement program. The joint engagement program was designed to inform and shape the submission of the businesses’ final plans to the AER on 1 July 2022, engaging with Victorians on gas services and prices today as well as the future of gas.
The independent judging panel comprised members from Energy Consumers Australia, St Vincent de Paul Society, Uniting Communities, Council on the Ageing, the Australian Energy Market Commission, the Australian Energy Regulator, and the Australian Energy Market Operator.
Read the full report, including descriptions of each of the nominated projects here