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CEO Lynne Gallagher to depart Energy Consumers Australia

After more than three years as CEO of Energy Consumers Australia, Lynne Gallagher will step down from 2 June to commence a new role as a Board Member with the Australian Energy Regulator.

Jacqueline Crawshaw will be appointed Interim CEO as the Board runs a process to appoint a new CEO.

Ms Gallagher has played a hugely significant role at Energy Consumers Australia, helping build the organisation from the ground up, initially as Director of Research, establishing and driving many of ECA’s flagship projects such as the Energy Consumer Sentiment and Behavioural studies, Small Business Tariff Tracker, PowerShift research and the partnership with Monash University in the Digital Energy Futures project.

Having spent 5 years as Director of Research, she was appointed to lead the organisation in March 2020. As CEO, Lynne led the development of a new impact-based 3-year strategic plan and drove an evolution of the organisation’s policy, communications and strategic engagement functions.

She also steered the organisation through the choppy waters of the pandemic, providing considerable input to the crisis policy response required in the energy sector over this time, while managing the many challenges that all organisations confronted with COVID-19.

Chair Louise Sylvan said Ms Gallagher had made a permanent imprint on Energy Consumers Australia and a long-lasting impact on the way decision makers think about energy consumers and their place in the market.

“Lynne has helped drive new thinking in the energy sector, helping to place households and small businesses at the centre of policy makers’ thinking and at the centre of the market itself,” Ms Sylvan said.

“Her focus on the issues that matter to consumers like energy affordability, combined with forward-thinking about the changes required in the market to make it more flexible, resilient and responsive to those priorities has been highly valued by the Board.

“We have also appreciated her disciplined approach to governance, strategy, the role of our stakeholders, and building our capability and depth in terms of policy development and strategic engagement.

Ms Sylvan said Energy Consumers Australia had very strong leadership at all levels of the organisation and was well placed to continue its pursuit of an ambitious agenda for consumers.

“We are in very good hands with Jacqueline Crawshaw, who is stepping up from her position as Director of Energy Services and Markets, to lead the team as we complete a process to appoint our third CEO.

“The timing of this change will allow the new CEO to drive the development of our next Strategic Plan for beyond 2024 and lead us through a very significant period in the energy transitions ahead.

“The Board will run an open recruitment process, the details of which will be announced shortly.

“The Board would like to sincerely thank Lynne for her contribution to Energy Consumers Australia over eight years. She will be missed but we’re pleased she will continue to play a significant role in the energy sector through her role at the Australian Energy Regulator.”

About Energy Consumers Australia 

Energy Consumers Australia is the independent, national voice for residential and small business energy consumers. We enable residential and small business energy consumers to have their voices heard.

Media contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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