Our Network Resets Funding Program supports consumer advocates to better understand cross-cutting consumer network issues, and drive change that benefits all Australian energy consumers.
About the Network Reset Process
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) makes revenue determinations through extensive regulatory processes, or ‘reset processes’. Through these processes, the AER confirms how much network distribution or transmission businesses can recover from their consumers.
This includes making decisions about access arrangements (which define how people access energy infrastructure), and network expenditure (how much money energy networks can spend to maintain and upgrade their infrastructure.).
We want to ensure what’s best for consumers is built into these processes. So, to achieve this, we fund research and resources that directly or indirectly support advocates involved in Reset Customer Panels.
About the Funding Program
There are recurrent, strategic and expensive consumer issues that cut across many access arrangements and network expenditure determinations. The Network Resets Funding Program provides an opportunity to support consumer advocates to better understand one or more of these topics. It also helps advocates to better equip themselves to drive change for the benefit of all Australian energy consumers.
Applications are invited for a funding pool of up to $100,000 for research and advocacy on a chosen consumer network issue.
Activities supported through the Program
Recipients will:
- Identify a topic that cuts across multiple reset processes
- Identify one or more consumer advocates who are passionate about this issue
- Work with Energy Consumers Australia and other advocates to scope the project, which may include identifying a firm or individual to conduct the research
Projects should include both research into a specific topic and related advocacy. They will require stakeholder engagement with, at a minimum, key decision-makers, relevant networks, or their consumer panels.
Previous recipients
- Jill Cainey, Consumer Electricity Resilience Project | Report | Definition | Role of DNSPs | Expectations of DNSPs
Want to find out more?
If you’d like more information or have any questions about the Network Resets Funding Program, please contact Executive Manager, Advocacy & Policy, Michael Dello-Iacovo.