As the sector continues to race to meet our net zero targets, households and small businesses are increasingly finding themselves able to access innovative new products and services changing the way they think about their energy consumption and generation options.
On-site power supply services are one such service offering. In its essence, this service is giving many households and small businesses access to renewable energy resources in new ways. While this can be beneficial and highly attractive to many consumers, given the complexity of this arrangement, it is important that consumers who enter into these contracts understand what this means for them, how they use their energy, and their energy needs both now and into the future.
We strongly support the introduction of the Alternative Energy Service (AES) registration framework as the preferred regulatory arrangement for on-site power supply services.
Our submission also highlights two key recommendations:
- That minimum information requirements are introduced as part of a plain language one pager, separate to disclosure statements and contracts of on-site power supply service arrangements.
- Greater consideration of the challenges and opportunities of on-site power supply service arrangements for small businesses as well as households in WA.
Read the full submission here.