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Newsletter: Seasons Greetings and Holiday Opening Hours


Energy Consumers Australia

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our stakeholders, colleagues and friends some well deserved time off to indulge in the festivities this holiday season. Whatever your tradition, enjoy every second of food, terrible movies, sunshine (we hope!) and most importantly spending quality time with family and loved ones.

Our office at 1 Castlereagh Street, Sydney will be shut from Wednesday 23 Dec 2020 and will reopen on Monday 11 January 2020. Our staff will be intermittently unavailable during this time.
The office main phone number, 02 9220 5000, will still be in operation during this time and all emails can be directed here or here for media enquiries.

Have a wonderful and safe break and we will see you again in the New Year!

Warm wishes to you and yours,

Lynne Gallagher




Energy Consumers Australia Great Grant of the month

In our latest video Mark Byrne from the Total Environment Centre talks us through their project ‘The role of DER in the Equitable Decarbonisation of the NEM’. This project was funded to help facilitate, through regulatory reform, the necessary transition to a low carbon energy system in an economically efficient and socially equitable manner. This grant has supported workstreams and thinking in the areas of demand response, distributed energy resources and energy system resilience and has been successful in influencing the public discussion and sector decision making through articles in Renew Economy and submissions to energy networks. Watch the video interview with Mark Byrne and read more here.

Community Listening

Nat from Eden Hills monitors his solar power in real time and charges his electric car when the sun is shining. We travelled up to Eden Hills just outside Adelaide to discuss his energy tech and how he might be willing to work with the grid when solar exports are at critical levels.

Watch the video on our Community Listening page.

*Nat is an Eden Hills resident and Director of the locally based Keystones Solar Group.

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